Sarah Palin’s Duplicity and the Actual Malice Standard | Medium

Malice is intentional. It is designed to injure. Actual malice, a misnomer if ever there was one, is a constitutional standard applied in defamation actions that does not include the intent to cause harm. Sarah Palin is suing the New York Times for defamation, specifically libel, which is the written form of defamation; slander is the verbal…

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Trump once demanded we “open up” libel laws — it seems some Justices on the Supreme Court agree | Medium

In the current media environment, anyone can gain access to a keyboard and an internet connection and state their claim. Debate in the digital age is large and robust. It is also often dishonest and manipulative. Conspiracy theories run rampant, and words are weaponized, particularly against the most visible members of our population: public officials…

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